....and sometimes it doesn't.
I mentioned in this post that I was going to be working on wreaths for the front door. After working on them a bit yesterday, I finished them this morning.
I, as always, was trying to be thrifty and use the same grapevine wreath forms that I bought for my Fall wreaths (for $2 each, which I thought was a steal!) and use fresh flora from my own yard. I found an evergreen bush of some sort, some weeds that looked like holly leaves and a few trees with red winter berries. I glittered and sprayed them to look festive and Christmas-y. I sprayed some more fallen tree branches silver and stuck them in there, too.
You would think I would need nothing more, right???
Well, it didn't go on as smoothly as I had planned (does anything?) The branches stuck out too far so I had to pare those down in order for people to enter and exit through the door without losing an eye. "Hey, friend! Come on in! OH, and sorry about the whole eye thing...."
Not very welcoming.
So this is what I am stuck with for at least a month. Yes, I am one of those who will leave up their Christmas decorations until Valentine's day. It seems such a pity to do all the work for just a couple weeks of enjoyment, right?? My house always looks so bare and empty after the Holidays. It will be even worse this year since I have absolutely NO wall art or pictures up on ANY wall yet. I guess it will get me to do it quicker. I just don't want to rush into putting something up and not be happy with where it goes because we all know that I won't get around to moving it. Once it's up, it's up for good! Sort of the same with these wreaths. I could take the time and rip them apart and start over, but I just don't have that kind of surplus when it comes to 'time'. So they are staying as is. Puny and sad as they are. Oh well. At least it's not fall leaves anymore and I don't have to say "It's still Fall here at the LaPlaca house" when people come to the door....
i guess this means i need to take the pumpkins (that we never carved) off the front porch now, too,huh? :/
When I started this blog I always said I would post my successes and failures. So there you have it! Feel free to mock and make suggestions. I'm truly at peace with it all.
At least the treats I made for Tony's work luncheon turned out pretty fantastic {even if I do say so myself!} ;)
Soda Cracker Candy, Peppermint Swirl Marshmallows and my ALL TIME fave, Ginger Chews
What are your best/worst Holiday crafts or food adventures??
Amazing as always.