So it's almost October...

My last post was about the 4th of July.


I just haven't been in a blogging mood. I've taken pictures of fun meals, projects and all sorts of good blog-able things....but just haven't been able to bring myself to do it.

Life's been crazy and thrown me some curve balls....way unexpected curve balls.

I am just so overwhelmed with "tasks". The everyday variety as well as the 'extras' just completing the dang decor in ONE stinking room. Ugh. It's so......insurmountable it seems.

It's officially "Fall" now and my front doors are BEGGING for new wreaths. To be honest with you, I'm just not that into 'wreaths'. But I can't seem be creative enough to come up with another alternative! Grr. Plus, I'm limited to using the resources I already have. That can sort of be, well, limiting. I have boxes {yes, plural} of Fall decor. It's my favorite season and I love decorating for it because I love the warm colors, the smells, the weather is just perfect and---let's be honest---Fall decor can stay up from September-November. That = less work for moi. I just HATE to get it all down, put it out, rearrange it a thousand times to get it right and then, before you can blink, it's time to take it all down, pack it up and then begin the horrendous process of the 'Christmas Season'. It's just all too daunting right now. I can't justify it when I have things like piles of laundry waiting to be hung on hangers and put in my too-full closet.

But I truly love to look at it all nice and beautiful. I just wish I could snap and it would be done. Or maybe snap and the house would be all neat and perfect so I can enjoy decorating for the seasons. Yeah, I like that idea lots.


I apologize for the negativity that is this post. Just feeling really overwhelmed and I guess out of sorts.

And I'm practicing avoidance by blogging and watching Pollyanna while eating peanut M&M's. Yay me.

As soon as I can get my act together to actually complete a project, I will post. I swear. ;)


Unknown said…
I sooooo feel you. Honestly, I don't have fall decor... why? Because usually this time of year is just overwhelming for me. It's all I can do just to THINK about Christmas in a couple of months.

PS... I have my kids put away their own laundry, each has their own basket and they each put away everything ... okay so I admit, I don't make them fold anything, but do they really care? No. So I help them with hangers and that is it, even for the 3 year old.

Hope you can feel a sense of accomplishment soon... even if it is just over getting the grocery shopping done before everyone dies of starvation ;)
Katy said…
oooh... I like that put away your own laundry idea!
hey, your great- don't forget it. Laundry and undecorated for Fall homes have nothing to do with feelings of self worth (this is a pep talk for me too) Personally I don't think showers or good attitudes or hot meals should determine anything either... but- having said that I guess I can't explain why I feel like crap when I am not doing simple, nagging, everyday, never-ending, unstimulating, never finished tasks.
ahem, I'm don't have any good advise... but I do love the dresser for your entryway in your to do picture... very cute!